Recent Articles

A. Zyubin, A. Lavrova, M. Dogonadze, E. Borisov, E.B. Postnikov. Single-cell analysis of Mycobacterium tuberculosis with diverse drug resistance using surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS). PeerJ. 2025. V.13: e18830.

E.B. Postnikov, A.P. Singh, A..V. Sychev, A.I. Lavrova, V.K. Singh, A stochastic model for the bacterial growth exhibiting staged growth, desynchronization, saturation and persistence. Mathematical Biosciences. 2024. V. 378: 109322

A.S. Vanina, A.I. Lavrova, D.A. Safonov, A.V. Sychev, I.S. Proskurkin, E.B. Postnikov, Mimicking Marker Spread After Disruption of the Blood–Brain Barrier with a Collagen-Based Hydrogel Phantom. Biomimetics. 2024. V. 9:667.

E.B. Postnikov, I.M. Sokolov. Generalized Langevin subdiffusion in channels: The bath always wins. Physical Review E. 2024. V. 110: 034104

R.N. Belenkov, V.V. Melent’ev, A.V. Sychev, O.S. Ryshkova, M. Wasiak, M. Chora̧żewski, E.B. Postnikov. Acoustic and volumetric properties of triflate-based ionic liquids at high pressures. Fluid Phase Equilibria. 2024. V. 586: 114179.

V.N. Verveyko, R.N. Belenkov, E.B. Postnikov. Direct and inverse problem of interrelation between the high pressure and the density: The case study of liquid bromobenzene’s acoustic sounding. Applied Acoustics. 2024. V. 223:110078.

B. Jasiok, A.A. Pribylov, E.B. Postnikov, P. Friant-Michel, C. Millot. Thermophysical properties of the SPC/E model of water between 250 and 400 K at pressures up to 1000 MPa. Fluid Phase Equilibria. 2024. V. 584:114118.

D.A. Safonov, I.L. Mallphanov, A.V. Sychev, E.B. Postnikov, A.I.  Lavrova. On phase correspondence between chemical oscillations in liquid Belousov-Zhabotinsky mixture filling catalyst-containing matrix and resulted gel’s chemomechanical oscillations. Journal of Molecular Liquids. 2024. V. 402:124723.

M. Chorążewski, M. Wasiak, A.V. Sychev, V.I. Korotkovskii, E.B. Postnikov. The Curious Case of 1-Ethylpyridinium Triflate: Ionic Liquid Exhibiting the Mpemba Effect.  Journal of Solution Chemistry. 2024. V. 53. P. 80-90.

E.B. Postnikov, I.M. Sokolov. Subdiffusion in an array of solid obstacles. Journal of Physics A. 2024. V. 52:055002