E.B. Postnikov, I.Y. Pikalov, M. Chorążewski. Thermal Conductivity of Ionic Liquids: Recent Challenges Facing Theory and Experiment. Journal of Solution Chemistry, 2022. V. 51. P. 1311–1333
E.B. Postnikov, I.Y. Pikalov, M. Chorążewski. Thermal Conductivity of Ionic Liquids: Recent Challenges Facing Theory and Experiment. Journal of Solution Chemistry, 2022. V. 51. P. 1311–1333
Postnikov E.B., Bartoszek M., Polak J., Chorążewski M. Combination of Machine Learning and Analytical Correlations for Establishing Quantitative Compliance between the Trolox Equivalent Antioxidant Capacity Values Obtained via Electron Paramagnetic Resonance and Ultraviolet–Visible Spectroscopies. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 2022. V. 23:11743
J. Pilarz, J. Feder-Kubis, E. Postnikov, V. V. Melent’ev, O.S. Ryshkova, V.I. Korotkovskii, A.K. Radchenko, M. Wasiak, I. Polishuk, M. Chorążewski. Speeds of sound and densities in imidazolium-based ionic liquids under elevated pressures: New experimental data and modelling by spinodal method and CP-PC-SAFT. Journal of Chemical Thermodynamics. 2023. V. 176: 106905.
A. Pribylov, E.B. Postnikov. Effects of mixing and molecular packing on the isobaric expansivity of mixtures of n-hexane and 1-hexanol as modelled by FT-EoS, PC-SAFT and SAFT-γ Mie. Journal of Molecular Liquids. 2022. V. 365: 120165.
B. Jasiok, E.B. Postnikov, I.Yu. Pikalov, M. Chorążewski. Prediction of the speed of sound in ionic liquids as a function of pressure. Journal of Molecular Liquids. 2022. V. 363: 119792.
A.I. Lavrova, M.Z. Dogonadze, A.V. Sychev, O.A. Manicheva, E.B. Postnikov. Ensemble density-dependent synchronization of mycobacterial growth: BACTEC MGIT 960 fluorescence-based analysis and mathematical modelling of coupled biophysical and chemical processes. AIMS Microbiology. 2022. V. 8. P. 208-226
B. Jasiok, M. Chorążewski, A.A. Pribylov, E.B. Postnikov, P. Friant-Michel, C. Millot. Thermophysical properties of chloropropanes in liquid phase: Experiments and simulations. Journal of Molecular Liquids. 2022. V. 358:119137.
E. Maximova, E.B. Postnikov, A.I. Lavrova, V. Farafonov, D. Nerukh. Protein–Ligand Dissociation Rate Constant from All-Atom Simulation. Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters. 2021. V. 12. P. 10631-10636.
E.B. Postnikov, E.A. Lebedeva, A.Y. Zyubin, A.I. Lavrova. The Cascade Hilbert-Zero Decomposition: A Novel Method for Spectral Peak Resolution and Its Application to Raman Spectra. Mathematics 2021. V. 9:2802
P.A. Raypolov, E.B. Postnikov. Mittag–Leffler Function as an Approximant to the Concentrated Ferrofluid’s Magnetization Curve. Fractal and Fractional. 2021. V. 5:147