Recent Articles

V.V. Melent’ev, E.B. Postnikov, I. Polishuk, Experimental Determination and Modeling Thermophysical Properties of 1-Chlorononane in a Wide Range of Conditions: Is It Possible To Predict a Contribution of Chlorine Atom? Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research. 2018. V. 57. P. 5142–5150.

Yu.A. Neruchev, A.K. Radchenko, The Speed of Sound in the Liquid Phase of Hexane Isomers. High Temperature. 2018. V. 56. P. 2018

B. Jasiok, E.B. Postnikov, M. Chorążewski. The prediction of high-pressure densities of different fuels using fluctuation theory-based Tait-like equation of state. Fuel. 2018. . V. 219. P. 176-181

V.V. Melent’ev, E.B. Postnikov. Speed of Sound and Density of 1-Chloropropane in the Range of Temperatures 180–373 K and Pressures up to 196.1 MPa. Journal of Chememical & Engineering  Data. 2017. V. 62. P. 3409–3413.

M. Chorążewski, E.B. Postnikov, B. Jasiok, Y.V. Nedyalkov, Jacquemin. A Fluctuation Equation of State for Prediction of High-Pressure Densities of Ionic Liquids. Scientific Reports. 2017. V. 7: 5563.

D.V. Verveyko, A.Yu. Verisokin, E.B. Postnikov. Mathematical model of chaotic oscillations and oscillatory entrainment in glycolysis originated from periodic substrate supply. Chaos. 2017. V. 27: 083104

A.I. Lavrova, E.B. Postnikov, A.Yu. Zyubin, S.V. Babak. Ordinary differential equations and Boolean networks in application to modelling of 6-mercaptopurine metabolism. Royal Society Open Science. 2017. V. 4: 160872.

E.B. Postnikov, E.S. Stiukhina, D.E. Postnov. A fast memory-saving method for the Morlet wavelet-based transform and its application to in vivo assessment of microcirculation dynamics.  Applied Mathematics and Computation. 2017. V. 305, pp. 351-361.

E.B. Postnikov, Can DIPPR Database be Used for an Estimation of the Speed of Sound? A Case Study of Liquid Hydrocarbons. Archives of Acoustics. 2016. V. 41, pp. 713-719

O.S. Ryshkova , M.F. Bolotnikov , V. I. Korotkovskii , Yu. Neruchev. Peculiarities of Temperature Dependence of Liquid 1-Chloroalkane Viscosity. High Temperature. V. 54. P. 814-816.