V. I. Korotkovskii, O. S. Ryshkova, Yu. A. Neruchev, A. L. Goncharov, E. B. Postnikov, Isobaric Heat Capacity, Isothermal Compressibility and Fluctuational Properties of 1-Bromoalkanes. International Journal of Thermophysics. 2016. V. 37: 58
V. I. Korotkovskii, O. S. Ryshkova, Yu. A. Neruchev, A. L. Goncharov, E. B. Postnikov, Isobaric Heat Capacity, Isothermal Compressibility and Fluctuational Properties of 1-Bromoalkanes. International Journal of Thermophysics. 2016. V. 37: 58
A.L. Goncharov, V.V. Melent’ev, E.B. Postnikov, The speed of sound and the heat capacity of liquid neon in the subcritical region. High Temperature. 2016. V. 54. P. 52-55.
V.N. Verveyko, M.V. Verveyko, G.A. Melnikov, Infrared spectra of organic liquids and cluster model of substance. European Physical Journal D. 2016. V. 70: 47.
E.B. Postnikov, E.A. Lebedeva, A.I. Lavrova, Computational implementation of the inverse continuous wavelet transform without a requirement of the admissibility condition. Applied Mathematics and Computation. 2016. V. 282. P. 128-136.
E.B. Postnikov, Dynamical prediction of flu seasonality driven by ambient temperature: influenza vs. common cold. European Physical Journal B. 2015. V. 89. 13.
E.B. Postnikov, M. Chorążewski, Transition in fluctuation behaviour of normal liquids under high pressures. Physica A. 2016. V. 449. P. 275–280.
M. Chorążewski, E.B. Postnikov, K. Oster, I. Polishuk, Thermodynamic Properties of 1, 2-Dichloroethane and 1, 2-Dibromoethane Under Elevated Pressures: Experimental Results and Predictions of a Novel DIPPR-Based Version of FT-EoS, PC-SAFT and CP-PC-SAFT. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research. 2015. V. 54. P. 9645–9656
E.B. Postnikov, A.L. Goncharov, N. Cohen, I. Polishuk, Estimating the liquid properties of 1-alkanols from C 5 to C 12 by FT-EoS and CP-PC-SAFT: Simplicity versus complexity. Journal of Supercritical Fluids. 2015. V. 104, P. 193-203
E.B. Postnikov, Analytical properties of a three-compartmental dynamical demographic model. Physical Review E. 2015. V. 92. 012718
E.B. Postnikov, I.M. Sokolov. Robust linear regression with broad distributions of errors. Physica A. 2015. V. 434. P. 257-267.