Curriculum Vitae

Darya V. Verveyko

BORN (d, m, y) 08.05.1989
DEGREE PhD (Phys&Math), 2014, Voronezh State University
Thesis title: «Mathematical modelling
for finite volume effects during self-sustained processes in a chemical reactor»
EDUCATION 2006-2011 Student at Kursk State University, Physics and Mathematics Faculty, Department of Mathematical Analysis and Applied Mathematics, diploma project “Mathematical modelling of finite volume effects in self-sustained processes within a
chemical reactor”
  2011-2014 PhD-student at Kursk State University
  2016 Postdoctoral researcher in Saratov State University, Laboratory of Biodynamics Superviser Prof. Dmitry E. Postnov
APPOINTMENTS    2011-2015 Junior researcher at the Theoretical Physics Department of the Research Center for Condensed Matter Physics, Kursk State University
2015-pres. Lecturer at the Physics and Nanotechnology Department of Kursk State University
2015- pres. Researcher at the Theoretical Physics Department of the Research Center for Condensed Matter Physics, Kursk State University
MEMBERSHIPS   International Society of Difference Equations (ISDE)
Organization for Computational Neurosciences (OCNS)
AWARDS 2010 Honorary title «The Young Researcher of the Year 2010», Kursk Region
2012 Travel Grant of Russian Foundation for Basic Research
2012 Grant of the program «Elsevier Women in Computability»
2013 ESMTB Financial Support to Travel to Mathematical/Theoretical Biology Meetings
2012-2013 Scholarship of the Government of the Russian Federation for PhD-students
2016 Mobility of young scientists Grant of Russian Foundation for Basic Research
PROJECT’S INVESTIGATOR ACTIVITY 2010-2011 2012-2014 Study of self-sustained patterns in physical, chemical and biophysical systems [Funded by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation]
2017-pres. Research project №3.9499.2017 included into the basic part of research funding assigned to Kursk State University
TEACHING EXPERIENCE AS A LECTURER 2011-pres. Methods of Mathematical Physics
2012-pres. Preparatory course in Physics, Mathematics and Computer Science for international
2014-2015 Simulation Modelling
2016-pres. Mathematical modelling
2017-pres. Mathematical analysis of experimental results
SELECTED CONFERENCE PARTICIPATION       IEEE Multi-conference on Systems and Control (MSC 2009), July 8–10, 2009, S.-
Petersburg (Russia)
Seminar on Nonlinear Dynamics at Institute of Physics of Berlin Humboldt University,
November 30, 2009, Berlin (Germany)
8th AIMS International Conference on Dynamical Systems, Differential Equations and
Applications, May 25–28, 2010, Dresden (Germany)
International Workshop “Analysis of Complex Biological Systems: Models and Experiment”, January 24–30, 2011, Puschino (Russia)
International Workshop “The Analysis of Complex Biological Systems. Mathematical
Models of Subcellular Systems”, January 28 – February 2, 2013, Puschino (Russia)
International Conference «Mathematical Methods and Models in Biosciences»
(BIOMATH 2013), June 16–21, 2013, Sofia (Bulgary)
REGISTERED SOFTWARE D.V. Verveyko. Three-dimensional Simulation Model of Open Chemical Reactor for the
Study of Glycolytic Self-sustained Wave Processes. Certificate of state registration of computer software No. 2013611619, 29. 01. 2013

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