E.B. Postnikov, I.M. Sokolov. Subdiffusion in an array of solid obstacles. Journal of Physics A. 2024. V. 52:055002
E.B. Postnikov, I.M. Sokolov. Subdiffusion in an array of solid obstacles. Journal of Physics A. 2024. V. 52:055002
S. Gordleeva, Y. Dembitskaya, V. Kazantsev, E.B. Postnikov. Estimation of cumulative amplitude distributions of miniature postsynaptic currents allows characterising their multimodality, quantal size and variability. Scientific Reports. 2023. V. 13: 15660.
E.B. Postnikov, M. Wasiak, M. Bartoszek, J. Polak, A. Zyubin, A.I. Lavrova, M. Chora̧żewski. Accessing Properties of Molecular Compounds Involved in Cellular Metabolic Processes with Electron Paramagnetic Resonance, Raman Spectroscopy, and Differential Scanning Calorimetry. Molecules. 2023. V. 28: 6417.
A.A. Pribylov, E.B. Postnikov. Comment on “Computation of Isobaric Thermal Expansivity from Liquid Density Measurements. Application to Toluene”. Journal of Chemical & Engineering Data. 2023. V. 68. P. 1043-1046
A.S. Vanina, A.V. Sychev, A.I. Lavrova, P.V. Gavrilov, P.L. Andropova, E.V. Grekhnyova, T.N. Kudryavtseva, E.B. Postnikov. A hydrogel-based phantom of the brain tissue aimed at modelling complex metabolic transport processes. European Physical Journal Special Topics. 2023. V. 232. P. 475–483
O. Dogonasheva, E.B. Postnikov, A.I. Lavrova. Shaping spiking patterns through synaptic parameters as revealed by conventional and wavelet-based bifurcation analysis. European Physical Journal Special Topics. 2023. V. 232. P. 485–497
A.S. Vanina, A.V. Sychev, A.I. Lavrova, P.V. Gavrilov, P.L. Andropova, E.V. Grekhnyova, T.N. Kudryavtseva, E.B. Postnikov. Computed Tomography-Assisted Study of the Liquid Contrast Agent’s Spread in a Hydrogel Phantom of the Brain Tissue. Fluids. 2023, V. 8:167.
P.A. Ryapolov, E.V. Shel’deshova, E.B. Postnikov. Temperature and field dependences of magnetic fluid’s shear viscosity: Decoupling inputs from a carrier fluid and magnetic nanoparticles. Journal of Molecular Liquids. 2023. V: 382:121887.
E.B. Postnikov, R.N. Belenkov, M. Chora̧żewski. Combining the Tait equation with the phonon theory allows predicting the density of liquids up to the Gigapascal range. Scientific Reports. 2023. V. 13: 3766.
E.B. Postnikov, A.I. Lavrova, D.E. Postnov. Transport in the Brain Extracellular Space: Diffusion, but Which Kind? International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 2022. V. 23:12401