Conference activity
15th International Conference on Bioscience, Biochemistry and Bioinformatics (ICBBB 2025) | Bangkok, Thailand; 16-19.01.2025 | Talk | Toward Quantitative Resazurin-Based Antibacterial Drug Screening Based on Digital Image Processing |
Baltic Forum 2024: Neuroscience, Artificial Intelligence and Complex Systems | Kaliningrad, Russia; 19-21.2023 | Invited talk | Universality of generalized Langevin subduffusion in undulated channels: a possible link to the intraaxonal anomalous transport |
IUPAB2024: 21st Congress of the International Union for Pure and Applied Biophysics & 62nd Annual Meeting of the Biophysical Society of Japan (24-28.06.2024, Kyoto, Japan) | Kyoto, Japan; 24-28.06.2024 | Poster | Models of complex structure-related diffusion anomalies of transport in the brain’s extracellular space |
International Conference on Translational Materials for Sustainable Technology (TransMat 2K24) | Varanasi, India; 1-4.02.2024 | Plenary lecture | Toward understanding substances’ spread in the brain’s parenchyma: combining tissue phantoms and numerical simulations |
XIIth Congress of the National Association of Phthisiatricians | Saint-Petersburg, Russia; 20-23.12.2023 | Talk | Anomalous transport processes: biomedical experimental data and respective models |
Baltic Forum 2023: Neuroscience, Artificial Intelligence and Complex Systems | Kaliningrad, Russia; 18-20.2023 | Plenary lecture | Anomalous diffusion in the brain’s extracellular space: experiments, models, simualtions |
VII Congress of Russian Biophysicists | Krasnodar, Russia; 17-23.04.2023 |
Talk | Brownian-yet-not-Gaussian diffusion in brain’s parenchyma: experimental evidence and mathematical modeling |
One-Week International Workshop on Numerical Analysis of Ordinary & Fractional Partial Differential Equations (NAOFPDE – 2022) | Katni, India; 27-31.12.2022 | Plenary lecture (online) |
Determining Diffusion Coefficient by PDE-Based Processing Images of Spread from Non-Point Sources
International Conference on Intelligent Informatics and Biomedical Sciences (ICIIBMS 2022) | Nara, Japan; 24-26.2022 | Talk (online) | Statistical criteria for quantitative prediction of protein-ligand dissociation rate using all-atom Molecular Dynamics |
Baltic Forum: Neuroscience, Artificial Intelligence and Complex Systems (BF-NAICS 2022) | Kaliningrad, Russia; 14-16.09.2022 | Invited talk | The Gompertz equation: from classic population dynamics to modern problems of quantitative molecular dynamics and neuroscience |
XXIII International Conference on Chemical Thermodynamics in Russia | Kazan, Russia; 22-27.08.2022 | Talk | Predicting thermodynamic properties of ionic liquids at high pressures based on the reference data at ambient pressure |
Recent advances in Mathematical Analysis and Applications (NCAPM-RAMAA-2022) | Varanasi, India; 7-8.05.2022 | Plenary lecture (online) | An interplay between Gaussian wavelet analysis and epidemiological modelling with the case study of outbreaks of COVID-19 |
International Conference on Intelligent Informatics and Biomedical Sciences (ICIIBMS 2021) | Oita, Japan; 25-27.11.2021 | Talk (online) | Statistical features of REMA data of antimycobacterial drug screening and determining the minimal inhibitory concentration |
International Workshop on «Fractional Derivatives: Theory & Computations with Applications (FDTCA 2021) | Varanasi, India; 12-14.11.2021 | Plenary lecture (online) | Fractional calculus approach to approximation of concentrated ferrofluid’s magnetization |
XXV Saratov Fall Meeting 2021 | Saratov, Russia; 27.09-01.10.2021 | Talk | Computational implementation of the Cascade Hilbert-Zero Decomposition and perspectives of its applications for biophysical signal processing |
Baltic Forum: Neuroscience, Artificial Intelligence and Complex Systems (BF-NAICS 2021) | Kaliningrad, Russia; 13-15.09.2021 | Invited talk | The CatBoost as a tool for machine learning-based revealing key control parameters in biochemical networks and physical chemistry |
International Conference on Intelligent Informatics and Biomedical Sciences (ICIIBMS 2021) | Okinawa, Japan; 18-20.11.2020 | Talk (online) | A MATLAB/OCTAVE toolbox for analysis of BACTEC MGIT 960 data for mycobacterial growth |
XXIV Saratov Fall Meeting 2021 | Saratov, Russia; 29.09-2.10.2020 | Talk | Computational realization of non-linear diffusion generalizing Barenblatt-Pattle’s approach on the case of flows’ simulations in elastic microvessels |
LifeTech 2020 — 2020 IEEE 2nd Global Conference on Life Sciences and Technologies | Kyoto, Japan; 10-13.03.2020 | Poster | A CatBoost machine learning for prognosis of pathogen’s drug resistance in pulmonary tuberculosis |
Métodos Teóricos y Exparimentales de la Fisica en Investigaciones Médicas | Trujillo, Peru; 22.01.2020 | Invited lecture | Detection, analysis and modeling fluid spread in brain extracellular |
International Conference on Intelligent Informatics and Biomedical Sciences (ICIIBMS 2021) | Shanghai, China; 21-24.11.2019 | Talk | An image processing method for characterizing diffusivity in brain’s parenchyma: a case study of significantly non-uniform structures |
9th International Conference on Physics and Control (PhysCon 2019) | Innopolis, Russia; 8-11.09.2019 | Invited talks | 1) Quantitative thermodynamics of liquids: a fluctuational approach to the practical predicting liquids’ properties under high pressures
2) Spectral and wavelet approaches for revealing state transitions from individual trajectories |
2019 IEEE 1st Global Conference on Life Sciences and Technologies (LifeTech 2019) | Osaka, Japan; 12-14.03.2019 | Poster | Arduino-based mobile device for resazurin reduction express test of microorganisms activity |
Tenth International Conference “Dynamical Systems Applied to Biology and Natural Sciences” | Naples, Italy; 3-6.02.2019 | Talk | A wavelet-based method for revealing Taylor’s law in species abundance |
XXII Saratov Fall Meeting 2018
Saratov, Russia; 24-29.09.2018 | Talk | Spectrophotometric and colorimetric analysis of Mycobacterium tuberculosispopulation growth curves in resazurin assay: implications from data analysis |
31th Marian Smoluchowski Symposium on Statistical Physics | Zakopane, Poland; 02-07.09.2018 | Talk | Short-time molecular motion in simple liquids reflected in temporal, ensemble and wavelet variance MSD for self-diffusion |
Symposium “Disordered systems and systems with anomalous diffusion” in honor of Prof. Sokolov’s 60th birthday | Berlin, Germany; 26.02.2018 | Invited talk | Invariant-based analytical approximations for solutions of reaction systems |
Ninth Workshop “Dynamical Systems Applied To Biology And Natural Sciences” | Turin, Italy; 7-9.02.2018 | Talk | Kinetics corresponding to the growth of mycobacterium tuberculosis in vitro under different physical methods of identification |