Conference activity


15th International Conference on Bioscience, Biochemistry and Bioinformatics (ICBBB 2025) Bangkok, Thailand; 16-19.01.2025 Talk Toward Quantitative Resazurin-Based Antibacterial Drug Screening Based on Digital Image Processing


Baltic Forum 2024: Neuroscience, Artificial Intelligence and Complex Systems Kaliningrad, Russia; 19-21.2023 Invited talk Universality of generalized Langevin subduffusion in undulated channels: a possible link to the intraaxonal anomalous transport
IUPAB2024: 21st Congress of the International Union for Pure and Applied Biophysics & 62nd Annual Meeting of the Biophysical Society of Japan (24-28.06.2024, Kyoto, Japan) Kyoto, Japan; 24-28.06.2024 Poster Models of complex structure-related diffusion anomalies of transport in the brain’s extracellular space
International Conference on Translational Materials for Sustainable Technology (TransMat 2K24) Varanasi, India; 1-4.02.2024 Plenary lecture Toward understanding substances’ spread in the brain’s parenchyma: combining tissue phantoms and numerical simulations


XIIth Congress of the National Association of Phthisiatricians Saint-Petersburg, Russia; 20-23.12.2023 Talk Anomalous transport processes: biomedical experimental data and respective models
Baltic Forum 2023: Neuroscience, Artificial Intelligence and Complex Systems Kaliningrad, Russia; 18-20.2023 Plenary lecture Anomalous diffusion in the brain’s extracellular space: experiments, models, simualtions
VII Congress of Russian Biophysicists Krasnodar, Russia;
Talk Brownian-yet-not-Gaussian diffusion in brain’s parenchyma: experimental evidence and mathematical modeling


One-Week International Workshop on Numerical Analysis of Ordinary & Fractional Partial Differential Equations (NAOFPDE – 2022) Katni, India; 27-31.12.2022  Plenary lecture (online)
Determining Diffusion Coefficient by PDE-Based Processing Images of Spread from Non-Point Sources
International Conference on Intelligent Informatics and Biomedical Sciences (ICIIBMS 2022) Nara, Japan; 24-26.2022 Talk (online) Statistical criteria for quantitative prediction of protein-ligand dissociation rate using all-atom Molecular Dynamics
Baltic Forum: Neuroscience, Artificial Intelligence and Complex Systems (BF-NAICS 2022) Kaliningrad, Russia; 14-16.09.2022 Invited talk The Gompertz equation: from classic population dynamics to modern problems of quantitative molecular dynamics and neuroscience
XXIII International Conference on Chemical Thermodynamics in Russia Kazan, Russia; 22-27.08.2022 Talk Predicting thermodynamic properties of ionic
liquids at high pressures based on the
reference data at ambient pressure
Recent advances in Mathematical Analysis and Applications (NCAPM-RAMAA-2022) Varanasi, India; 7-8.05.2022 Plenary lecture (online) An interplay between Gaussian wavelet analysis and epidemiological modelling with the case study of outbreaks of COVID-19


International Conference on Intelligent Informatics and Biomedical Sciences (ICIIBMS 2021) Oita, Japan; 25-27.11.2021 Talk (online) Statistical features of REMA data of antimycobacterial drug screening and determining the minimal inhibitory concentration
International Workshop on «Fractional Derivatives: Theory & Computations with Applications (FDTCA 2021) Varanasi, India; 12-14.11.2021 Plenary lecture (online) Fractional calculus approach to approximation of concentrated ferrofluid’s magnetization
XXV Saratov Fall Meeting 2021 Saratov, Russia; 27.09-01.10.2021 Talk Computational implementation of the Cascade Hilbert-Zero Decomposition and perspectives of its applications for biophysical signal processing
Baltic Forum: Neuroscience, Artificial Intelligence and Complex Systems (BF-NAICS 2021) Kaliningrad, Russia; 13-15.09.2021 Invited talk The CatBoost as a tool for machine learning-based revealing key control parameters in biochemical networks and physical chemistry


International Conference on Intelligent Informatics and Biomedical Sciences (ICIIBMS 2021) Okinawa, Japan; 18-20.11.2020 Talk (online) A MATLAB/OCTAVE toolbox for analysis of BACTEC MGIT 960 data for mycobacterial growth
XXIV Saratov Fall Meeting 2021 Saratov, Russia; 29.09-2.10.2020 Talk Computational realization of non-linear diffusion generalizing Barenblatt-Pattle’s approach on the case of flows’ simulations in elastic microvessels
LifeTech 2020 — 2020 IEEE 2nd Global Conference on Life Sciences and Technologies Kyoto, Japan; 10-13.03.2020 Poster A CatBoost machine learning for prognosis of pathogen’s drug resistance in pulmonary tuberculosis
Métodos Teóricos y Exparimentales de la Fisica en Investigaciones Médicas Trujillo, Peru; 22.01.2020 Invited lecture Detection, analysis and modeling fluid spread in brain extracellular


International Conference on Intelligent Informatics and Biomedical Sciences (ICIIBMS 2021) Shanghai, China; 21-24.11.2019 Talk An image processing method for characterizing diffusivity in brain’s parenchyma: a case study of significantly non-uniform structures
9th International Conference on Physics and Control (PhysCon 2019) Innopolis, Russia; 8-11.09.2019 Invited talks 1) Quantitative thermodynamics of liquids: a fluctuational approach to the practical predicting liquids’ properties under high pressures

2) Spectral and wavelet approaches for revealing state transitions from individual trajectories

2019 IEEE 1st Global Conference on Life Sciences and Technologies (LifeTech 2019) Osaka, Japan; 12-14.03.2019 Poster Arduino-based mobile device for resazurin reduction express test of microorganisms activity
Tenth International Conference “Dynamical Systems Applied to Biology and Natural Sciences” Naples, Italy; 3-6.02.2019 Talk A wavelet-based method for revealing Taylor’s law in species abundance


XXII Saratov Fall Meeting 2018


Saratov, Russia; 24-29.09.2018 Talk Spectrophotometric and colorimetric analysis of Mycobacterium tuberculosispopulation growth curves in resazurin assay: implications from data analysis
31th Marian Smoluchowski Symposium on Statistical Physics Zakopane, Poland; 02-07.09.2018 Talk Short-time molecular motion in simple liquids reflected in temporal, ensemble and wavelet variance MSD for self-diffusion
Symposium “Disordered systems and systems with anomalous diffusion” in  honor of Prof. Sokolov’s 60th birthday Berlin, Germany; 26.02.2018 Invited talk Invariant-based analytical approximations for solutions of reaction systems
Ninth Workshop “Dynamical Systems Applied To Biology And Natural Sciences” Turin, Italy; 7-9.02.2018 Talk Kinetics corresponding to the growth of mycobacterium tuberculosis in vitro under different physical methods of identification