Selected Publications
Chapters in books:
- E.B. Postnikov, Long Tails of Mean-Field COVID-19 Epidemic Curves: Implications of a Hidden Metapopulational Dynamics. In: Modeling, Control and Drug Development for COVID-19 Outbreak Prevention / Eds. Ahmad Taher Azar, Aboul Ella Hassanien. Springer, 2022, pp. 119-151.
- A.I. Lavrova, E.B. Postnikov, Discrete Modeling for a Minimal Circuit in the Hippocampus. In: Complexity and Synergetics / Eds. Stefan C. Müller, Peter J. Plath, Günter Radons, Armin Fuchs. Springer, 2018, pp. 349-357.
- E.B. Postnikov. Wavelet Study of Dynamical Systems using Partial Differential Equations. In: Frontiers in the Study of Chaotic Dynamical Systems with Open Problems (World Scientific Series on Nonlinear Science, Series B) / Eds.: Zeraoulia Elhadj and Julien Clinton Sprott. World Scientific, 2011, pp. 149-154.
- E.B. Postnikov, Partial Differential Equations as a Tool for Evaluation of the Continuous Wavelet Transform. In: Mathematical Physics Research Developments / Ed.: Morris B. Levy. Nova Publishers, 2009, pp. 1-36.
- E.B. Postnikov, A. Loskutov, Continuous Wavelet Transform as an Effective Tool for the Detecting of Saturn Rings’ Structure. In: Space Exploration Research / Eds.: John H. Denis and Paul D. Aldridge. Nova Publishers, 2009, pp. 341-360.
Articles in journals:
- A. Zyubin, A. Lavrova, M. Dogonadze, E. Borisov, E.B. Postnikov. Single-cell analysis of Mycobacterium tuberculosis with diverse drug resistance using surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS). PeerJ. 2025. V.13: e18830.
- E.B. Postnikov, I.M. Sokolov. Generalized Langevin subdiffusion in channels: The bath always wins. Physical Review E. 2024. V. 110: 034104.
- E.B. Postnikov, A.P. Singh, A..V. Sychev, A.I. Lavrova, V.K. Singh, A stochastic model for the bacterial growth exhibiting staged growth, desynchronization, saturation and persistence. Mathematical Biosciences. 2024. V. 378: 109322
- E.B. Postnikov, A.V. Sychev, A.I. Lavrova. Dose–Response Curve in REMA Test: Determination from Smartphone-Based Pictures. Analytica. 2024. V. 5. P. 619-631.
- A.S. Vanina, A.I. Lavrova, D.A. Safonov, A.V. Sychev, I.S. Proskurkin, E.B. Postnikov, Mimicking Marker Spread After Disruption of the Blood–Brain Barrier with a Collagen-Based Hydrogel Phantom. Biomimetics. 2024. V. 9:667.
- R.N. Belenkov, V.V. Melent’ev, A.V. Sychev, O.S. Ryshkova, M. Wasiak, M. Chora̧żewski, E.B. Postnikov. Acoustic and volumetric properties of triflate-based ionic liquids at high pressures. Fluid Phase Equilibria. 2024. V. 586: 114179.
- E.B. Postnikov, I.M. Sokolov. Subdiffusion in an array of solid obstacles. Journal of Physics A. 2024. V. 52:055002.
- V.N. Verveyko, R.N. Belenkov, E.B. Postnikov. Direct and inverse problem of interrelation between the high pressure and the density: The case study of liquid bromobenzene’s acoustic sounding. Applied Acoustics. 2024. V. 223:110078.
- B. Jasiok, A.A. Pribylov, E.B. Postnikov, P. Friant-Michel, C. Millot. Thermophysical properties of the SPC/E model of water between 250 and 400 K at pressures up to 1000 MPa. Fluid Phase Equilibria. 2024. V. 584:114118.
- D.A. Safonov, I.L. Mallphanov, A.V. Sychev, E.B. Postnikov, A.I. Lavrova. On phase correspondence between chemical oscillations in liquid Belousov-Zhabotinsky mixture filling catalyst-containing matrix and resulted gel’s chemomechanical oscillations. Journal of Molecular Liquids. 2024. V. 402:124723.
- M. Chorążewski, M. Wasiak, A.V. Sychev, V.I. Korotkovskii, E.B. Postnikov. The Curious Case of 1-Ethylpyridinium Triflate: Ionic Liquid Exhibiting the Mpemba Effect. Journal of Solution Chemistry. 2024. V. 53. P. 80-90.
- A. Singh, E.B. Postnikov, P. Yadav, V.K. Singh. Weakly singular Volterra integral equation with combined logarithmic-power-law kernel: Analytical and computational consideration. Applied Numerical Mathematics. 2024. V. 197. P. 164-185.
- A.V. Sychev, E.B. Postnikov. On the relationship between the observed dynamics of a colorimetric indicator and the nonlinear dynamics of the population growth under study in the case of microbial cultures. Izvestiya VUZ. Applied Nonlinear Dynamics. 2024. V. 32 P. 332–346.
- S. Gordleeva, Y. Dembitskaya, V. Kazantsev, E.B. Postnikov. Estimation of cumulative amplitude distributions of miniature postsynaptic currents allows characterising their multimodality, quantal size and variability. Scientific Reports. 2023. V. 13: 15660.
- E.B. Postnikov, R.N. Belenkov, M. Chora̧żewski. Combining the Tait equation with the phonon theory allows predicting the density of liquids up to the Gigapascal range. Scientific Reports. 2023. V. 13: 3766.
- A.I. Lavrova, D.S. Esmedljaeva, E.B. Postnikov. Modelling of Interaction Dynamics of a Pathogen and Bio-Markers (Matrix Metalloproteinases) of Tissue Destruction in Pulmonary Tuberculosis. Mathematics. 2023. V.: 11:4522.
- E.B. Postnikov, M. Wasiak, M. Bartoszek, J. Polak, A. Zyubin, A.I. Lavrova, M. Chora̧żewski. Accessing Properties of Molecular Compounds Involved in Cellular Metabolic Processes with Electron Paramagnetic Resonance, Raman Spectroscopy, and Differential Scanning Calorimetry. Molecules. 2023. V. 28: 6417.
- A.V. Sychev, A.I. Lavrova, M.Z. Dogonadze, E.B. Postnikov. Establishing Compliance between Spectral, Colourimetric and Photometric Indicators in Resazurin Reduction Test. Bioengineering. 2023. V. 10:962.
- A.S. Vanina, A.V. Sychev, A.I. Lavrova, P.V. Gavrilov, P.L. Andropova, E.V. Grekhnyova, T.N. Kudryavtseva, E.B. Postnikov. A hydrogel-based phantom of the brain tissue aimed at modelling complex metabolic transport processes. European Physical Journal Special Topics. 2023. V. 232. P. 475–483 .
- O. Dogonasheva, E.B. Postnikov, A.I. Lavrova. Shaping spiking patterns through synaptic parameters as revealed by conventional and wavelet-based bifurcation analysis. European Physical Journal Special Topics. 2023. V. 232. P. 485–497 .
- A.S. Vanina, A.V. Sychev, A.I. Lavrova, P.V. Gavrilov, P.L. Andropova, E.V. Grekhnyova, T.N. Kudryavtseva, E.B. Postnikov. Computed Tomography-Assisted Study of the Liquid Contrast Agent’s Spread in a Hydrogel Phantom of the Brain Tissue. Fluids. 2023, V. 8:167.
- P.A. Ryapolov, E.V. Shel’deshova, E.B. Postnikov. Temperature and field dependences of magnetic fluid’s shear viscosity: Decoupling inputs from a carrier fluid and magnetic nanoparticles. Journal of Molecular Liquids. 2023. V: 382:121887.
- A.A. Pribylov, E.B. Postnikov. Comment on “Computation of Isobaric Thermal Expansivity from Liquid Density Measurements. Application to Toluene”. Journal of Chemical & Engineering Data. 2023. V. 68. P. 1043-1046.
- J. Pilarz, J. Feder-Kubis, E. Postnikov, V. V. Melent’ev, O.S. Ryshkova, V.I. Korotkovskii, A.K. Radchenko, M. Wasiak, I. Polishuk, M. Chorążewski. Speeds of sound and densities in imidazolium-based ionic liquids under elevated pressures: New experimental data and modelling by spinodal method and CP-PC-SAFT. Journal of Chemical Thermodynamics. 2023. V. 176: 106905.
- A.I.Lavrova, A. Zyubin, M.Z. Dogonadze, E.V. Borisov, I. Samusev, E.B. Postnikov. Surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy reveals structure complexity difference in single extrapulmonary Mycobacterium tuberculosis bacteria with different drug resistance. Results in Physics. 2023. V. 44: 106106
- R.N. Belenkov, E.B. Postnikov. Approach to nonlinearity parameter in liquids calculation based on the scaling theory of thermodynamic fluctuations. Izvestiya VUZ. Applied Nonlinear Dynamics. 2023. V. 31 P. 45–62.
- E.B. Postnikov, A.I. Lavrova, D.E. Postnov. Transport in the Brain Extracellular Space: Diffusion, but Which Kind? International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 2022. V. 23:12401.
- A.I. Lavrova, E.B. Postnikov. An Improved Diagnostic of the Mycobacterium tuberculosis Drug Resistance Status by Applying a Decision Tree to Probabilities Assigned by the CatBoost Multiclassifier of Matrix Metalloproteinases Biomarkers. Diagnostics. 2022. 12:2847
- E.B. Postnikov, I.Y. Pikalov, M. Chorążewski. Thermal Conductivity of Ionic Liquids: Recent Challenges Facing Theory and Experiment. Journal of Solution Chemistry, 2022. V. 51. P. 1311–1333.
- E.B. Postnikov, M. Bartoszek, J. Polak, M. Chorążewski. Combination of Machine Learning and Analytical Correlations for Establishing Quantitative Compliance between the Trolox Equivalent Antioxidant Capacity Values Obtained via Electron Paramagnetic Resonance and Ultraviolet–Visible Spectroscopies. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 2022. V. 23:11743.
- A. Pribylov, E.B. Postnikov. Effects of mixing and molecular packing on the isobaric expansivity of mixtures of n-hexane and 1-hexanol as modelled by FT-EoS, PC-SAFT and SAFT-γ Mie. Journal of Molecular Liquids. 2022. V. 365: 120165.
- B. Jasiok, E.B. Postnikov, I.Yu. Pikalov, M. Chorążewski. Prediction of the speed of sound in ionic liquids as a function of pressure. Journal of Molecular Liquids. 2022. V. 363: 119792.
- A.I. Lavrova, M.Z. Dogonadze, A.V. Sychev, O.A. Manicheva, E.B. Postnikov. Ensemble density-dependent synchronization of mycobacterial growth: BACTEC MGIT 960 fluorescence-based analysis and mathematical modelling of coupled biophysical and chemical processes. AIMS Microbiology. 2022. V. 8. P. 208-226.
- B. Jasiok, M. Chorążewski, A.A. Pribylov, E.B. Postnikov, P. Friant-Michel, C. Millot. Thermophysical properties of chloropropanes in liquid phase: Experiments and simulations. Journal of Molecular Liquids. 2022. V. 358:119137.
- P.A.Ryapolov, E.A.Sokolov, E.B. Postnikov. Behavior of a gas bubble separating from a cavity formed in magnetic fluid in an inhomogeneous magnetic field. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials. 2022. 549:169067
- E. Maximova, E.B. Postnikov, A.I. Lavrova, V. Farafonov, D. Nerukh. Protein–Ligand Dissociation Rate Constant from All-Atom Simulation. Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters. 2021. V. 12. P. 10631-10636.
- E.B. Postnikov, E.A. Lebedeva, A.Y. Zyubin, A.I. Lavrova. The Cascade Hilbert-Zero Decomposition: A Novel Method for Spectral Peak Resolution and Its Application to Raman Spectra. Mathematics 2021. V. 9:2802
- P.A. Ryapolov, E.B. Postnikov. Mittag–Leffler Function as an Approximant to the Concentrated Ferrofluid’s Magnetization Curve. Fractal and Fractional. 2021. V. 5:147
- E.B. Postnikov, A.A. Namykin, O.V. Semyachkina-Glushkovskaya, D.E. Postnov. Diffusion assessment through image processing: beyond the point-source paradigm. European Physical Journal Plus. 2021. V. 136:480
- A.I. Lavrova, E.B. Postnikov. Barenblatt-like approach to transport processes in meningeal lymphatic vessel’s dynamics. European Physical Journal Plus. 2021. V. 136:486
- A.A. Pribylov, E.B. Postnikov. Thermodynamic curvature and the thermal expansion isolines. Journal of Molecular Liquids. 2021.V. 335:115994
- E.B. Postnikov, B. Jasiok, M. Chorążewski. The CatBoost as a tool to predict the isothermal compressibility of ionic liquids. Journal of Molecular Liquids. 2021. V. 333:115889.
- E.B. Postnikov Reproducing country-wide COVID-19 dynamics can require the usage of a set of SIR systems. PeerJ. 2021. V. 9:e10679
- V.M. Polunin, P.A. Ryapolov, V.G. Bashtovoy, E.B. Postnikov, I.A. Shabanova, E.A. Sokolov, E.A. Zubkova. Magnetophoresis of Microparticles in a Magnetic Fluid. Russian Physics Journal. 2021. V. 64. P.478–486.
- M.A. Chorążewski, S.L. Randzio, E. Wilhelm, J.‐P.E. Grolier, E.B. Postnikov, Jumping transition in the liquid’s heat capacity revealed by the scanning transitiometry. AIChE Journal. 2021. V. 67:e17172
- P.A. Ryapolov, E.A. Sokolov, V.G. Bashtovoi, A.G. Reks, E.B. Postnikov. Equilibrium configurations in a magnetic fluid-based field mapping and gas pressure measuring system: Experiment and simulations. AIP Advances. 2021. V. 11:015206
- B. Jasiok, M. Chorążewski, E.B. Postnikov, C. Millot. Liquid dibromomethane under pressure: a computational study. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. 2021. V. 23. P. 2964-2971.
- E.B. Postnikov. Estimation of COVID-19 dynamics “on a back-of-envelope”: Does the simplest SIR model provide quantitative parameters and predictions? Chaos, Solitons & Fractals. 2020. V. 135:109841
- P. A. Ryapolov, V. G. Bashtovoi, A. G. Reks, E. A. Sokolov and E. B. Postnikov. Study of the Working Area of a Ring Magnet Magnetic Levitation System Using a Thin Layer of Magnetic Fluid. IEEE Magnetics Letters. 2020. V. 11:7104305.
- O.S.Ryshkova, R.N. Belenkov, E.B.Postnikov, Viscosity of liquid bromoalkanes at ambient pressure from 253.15 to 423.15 K: New experimental data and their free volume theory-based interpretation. Fluid Phase Equilibria. 2020. V. 522: 112735
- E.B. Postnikov, A. Chechkin, I.M. Sokolov. Brownian yet non-Gaussian diffusion in heterogeneous media: from superstatistics to homogenization. New Journal of Physics. 2020. V. 22:063046
- V.V. Melent’ev, E.B. Postnikov. Density and speed of sound of 3‑chloroheptane in the range of temperatures 233.15−393.15 K and pressures up to 196.2 MPa. Chemical Data Collections. 2020. V. 28: 100451
- P.A. Ryapolov, V.M. Polunin, E.B. Postnikov, V.G. Bashtovoi, A.G. Reks, E.A. Sokolov. Air Cavity Capture by a Flat Channel with Magnetic Fluid in an Annular Magnet. Russian Physics Journal. 2020. V. 63. P. 1085–1092.
- A.A. Khalin, E.B. Postnikov. A wavelet-based approach to revealing the Tweedie distribution type in sparse data. Physica A. 2020. V. 533: 124653
- E.B. Postnikov, B. Jasiok, V.V. Melent’ev, O.S. Ryshkova, V.I. Korotkovski , A.K. Radchenko , A.R. Lowe, M. Chorążewski. Prediction of high pressure properties of complex mixtures without knowledge of their composition as a problem of thermodynamic linear analysis. Journal of Molecular Liquids. 2020. V. 310: 113016.
- J. Pilarz , J. Feder-Kubis, V.V. Melent’ev, O.S. Ryshkova , V.I. Korotkovskii, A.K. Radchenko, E.B. Postnikov, M. Chorążewski, I. Polishuk. Speeds of sound in ionic liquids under elevated pressures. New experimental data and CP-PC-SAFT modelling. Journal of Molecular Liquids. 2020. V. 303: 112669.
- J. Polak, M. Bartoszek, A.R. Lowe, E.B. Postnikov, M. Chorązewski. Antioxidant Properties of Various Alcoholic Beverages: Application of a Semiempirical Equation. Analytical Chemistry. 2020. V. 92. P. 2145-2150.
- A.R. Lowe, B. Jasiok, V.V. Melent’ev, O.S. Ryshkova, V.I. Korotkovskii, A.K. Radchenko, E.B. Postnikov, M. Spinnler, J. Safarov, E. Hassel, M. Chorążewski. High-temperature and high-pressure thermophysical property measurements and thermodynamic modelling of an international oil standard: RAVENOL diesel rail injector calibration fluid. Fuel Processing Technology, 2020. V. 199:106220.
- P.A. Ryapolov, V.M. Polunin, E.B. Postnikov, V.G. Bashtovoi, A.G. Reks, E.A. Sokolov. The behaviour of gas inclusions in a magnetic fluid in a non-uniform magnetic field. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials. 2020. V. 497:165925.
- E.B. Postnikov. Density fluctuations and random walks in an overdamped and supercooled simple liquid. Physical Review E. 2019. V. 99: 062117
- O.S. Ryshkova, E.B. Postnikov, I. Polyshuk. Viscosities of 1-Iodoalkanes. New Experimental Data, Prediction, and Analysis. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research. 2019. V. 58. P. 20116-20124.
- B. Jasiok, E.B. Postnikov, M. Chorążewski. The prediction of high-pressure volumetric properties of compressed liquids using the two states model. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. 2019. V. 21: 15966.
- A.I. Lavrova, D.S. Esmedljaeva, V. Belik, E.B. Postnikov. Matrix Metalloproteinases as Markers of Acute Inflammation Process in the Pulmonary Tuberculosis. Data 2019. V. 4: 137.
- A Erofeev,E. Gerasimov, A. Lavrova, A. Bolshakova, E. Postnikov, I. Bezprozvanny, O.L. Vlasova. Light Stimulation Parameters Determine Neuron Dynamic Characteristics. Applied Sciences. 2019. V.9:3673.
- V.V. Melent’ev, E.B. Postnikov. Density and speed of sound of 2-chloropropane in the range of temperatures 293.15–373.15 K and pressures up to 196.2MPa. Chemical Data Collections. 2019. V. 24:100270.
- E.B. Postnikov, I.M. Sokolov. Reconstruction of substrate’s diffusion landscape by the wavelet analysis of single particle diffusion tracks. Physica A. 2019. V. 533:122102
- G. Feng, M. Chen, S. Bi, Z.A.H. Goodwin, E.B. Postnikov, N. Brilliantov, M. Urbakh, A.A. Kornyshev. Free and Bound States of Ions in Ionic Liquids, Conductivity, and Underscreening Paradox. Physical Review X. 2019. V. 9: 021024.
- N.A. Emelianov, P.V. Abakumov, E.B. Postnikov. An analogue of the speckle contrast technique for low-conducting features enhancement in scanning tunneling microscopy images of nanocomposites. Results in Physics. V. 13: 102323
- A. Dzienia, K. Koperwas, M. Tarnackac, M. Chorążewski, E.B.Postnikov, A.R. Lowe, K. Kamiński, M. Paluch. Direct insight into the kinetics of the high-pressure step-growth polymerization of DGEBA/aniline model system. Polymer. 2019. V. 172. P. 322-329.
- E.B. Postnikov, M.O. Tsoy, P.A. Timoshina, D.E. Postnov. Gaussian sliding window for robust processing laser speckle contrast images. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Biomedical Engineering. 2019. V. 25: e3186.
- V.V. Melent’ev, E.B. Postnikov, Y.V. Nedyalkov, I. Polishuk. Thermophysical Properties of the Medium-Chain 1‑Alkyl Halides in a Wide Range of Conditions: New Experimental Data and Predictions of CP-PC-SAFT and FT-EOS. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research. 2019. V. 58. P. 5725-5732.
- E.B. Postnikov, A.A. Khalin, A.I. Lavrova, O.A. Manicheva. Resazurin Assay Data for Mycobacterium tuberculosis Supporting a Model of the Growth Accelerated by a Stochastic Non-Homogeneity. Data. 2019. V. 4:36
- A.A. Khalin, E.B.Postnikov, A.B. Ryabov. Stochastic effects in mean-field population growth: The quasi-Gaussian approximation to the case of a Taylor’s law-distributed substrate. Physica A. 2018. V. 511. P. 166-173.
- M. Więckowski, N. Howaniec, E.B. Postnikov, M. Chorążewski, A. Smoliński. Changes in the Distribution of Temperature in a Coal Deposit and the Composition of Gases Emitted during Its Heating and Cooling. Sustainability. 2018, V. 10: 3587
- E.B. Postnikov, Y.V. Nedyalkov, I. Polishuk. Improved Approximation for DIPPR-Based Predicting Speed of Sound in Long-Chained n-Alkanes. Archives of Acoustics. 2018. V. 43. P. 537-541.
- V.M. Polunin, P.A. Ryapolov, K.S. Ryabtsev, N.S. Kobelev, I.A. Shabanova, V.V. Yushin, E.B. Postnikov. Elasticity of an Air Cavity in a Magnetic Fluid on an Annular Magnet Segment with Changing Magnetic Field Sign. Russian Physics Journal. 2018. V. 61. P. 1347-1357
- V.M. Polunin, P.A. Ryapolov, K.S. Ryabtsev, E.B. Postnikov, A.V. Bridskiy, E.A. Sokolov, A.N. Khudyakov. Air cavity captured by magnetic fluid in ‘magnetic vacuum’ of annular magnet. Magnetohydrodynamics. 2018. V. 54. P. 211-223.
- B. Jasiok, A.R. Lowe, E.B. Postnikov, J. Feder-Kubis, M. Chorążewski, High-Pressure Densities of Industrial Lubricants and Complex Oils Predicted by the Fluctuation Theory-Based Equation of State. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research. 2018. V. 57. P. 11797-11803
- V.V. Melent’ev, E.B. Postnikov, I. Polishuk, Experimental Determination and Modeling Thermophysical Properties of 1-Chlorononane in a Wide Range of Conditions: Is It Possible To Predict a Contribution of Chlorine Atom? Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research. 2018. V. 57. P. 5142–5150.
- B. Jasiok, E.B. Postnikov, M. Chorążewski. The prediction of high-pressure densities of different fuels using fluctuation theory-based Tait-like equation of state. 2018. Fuel. V. 219. P. 176-181.
- M. Chorążewski, E.B. Postnikov, B. Jasiok, Y.V. Nedyalkov, J. Jacquemin. A Fluctuation Equation of State for Prediction of High-Pressure Densities of Ionic Liquids. Scientific Reports. 2017. V. 7: 5563.
- V.V. Zhukov, A.D. Fedorenko, A.I. Lavrova, E.B. Postnikov. Electrical responses of Lymnaea stagnalis to light stimulation: Effect of divalent cations. Journal of Evolutionary Biochemistry and Physiology. 2017. V. 53. P. 404-413.
- V.V. Melent’ev, E.B. Postnikov. Speed of Sound and Density of 1-Chloropropane in the Range of Temperatures 180–373 K and Pressures up to 196.1 MPa. Journal of Chememical & Engineering Data. 2017. V. 62. P. 3409–3413.
- A.I. Lavrova, E.B. Postnikov, O.A. Manicheva, B.I. Vishnevsky. Bi-logistic model for disease dynamics caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis in Russia. Royal Society Open Science. 2017. V. 4: 171033.
- D.V. Verveyko, A.Yu. Verisokin, E.B. Postnikov. Mathematical model of chaotic oscillations and oscillatory entrainment in glycolysis originated from periodic substrate supply. Chaos. 2017. V. 27: 083104
- A.I. Lavrova, E.B. Postnikov, A.Yu. Zyubin, S.V. Babak. Ordinary differential equations and Boolean networks in application to modelling of 6-mercaptopurine metabolism. Royal Society Open Science. 2017. V. 4: 160872.
- E.B. Postnikov, E.S. Stiukhina, D.E. Postnov. A fast memory-saving method for the Morlet wavelet-based transform and its application to in vivo assessment of microcirculation dynamics. Applied Mathematics and Computation. 2017. V. 305. P. 351-361.
- E. B. Postnikov, O. V. Titkova. A correspondence between the Hodgkin-Huxley and FitzHugh-Nagumo models revisited European Physical Journal Plus. 2016. V. 131: 411.
- E.B. Postnikov, Can DIPPR Database be Used for an Estimation of the Speed of Sound? A Case Study of Liquid Hydrocarbons. Archives of Acoustics. 2016. V. 41. P. 713-719
- F. Thiel, I. M. Sokolov, and E. B. Postnikov, Nonspectral modes and how to find them in the Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process with white μ-stable noise. Physical Review E. 2016. V. 93, 052104.
- V. I. Korotkovskii, O. S. Ryshkova, Yu. A. Neruchev, A. L. Goncharov, E. B. Postnikov, Isobaric Heat Capacity, Isothermal Compressibility and Fluctuational Properties of 1-Bromoalkanes. International Journal of Thermophysics. 2016. V. 37: 58
- E.B. Postnikov, E.A. Lebedeva, A.I. Lavrova, Computational implementation of the inverse continuous wavelet transform without a requirement of the admissibility condition. Applied Mathematics and Computation. 2016. V. 282. P. 128-136.
- E.B. Postnikov, Dynamical prediction of flu seasonality driven by ambient temperature: influenza vs. common cold. European Physical Journal B. 2016. V. 89. 13.
- E.B. Postnikov, M. Chorążewski, Transition in fluctuation behaviour of normal liquids under high pressures. Physica A. 2016. V. 449. P. 275–280.
- A.L. Goncharov, V.V. Melent’ev, E.B. Postnikov, The speed of sound and the heat capacity of liquid neon in the subcritical region. High Temperature. 2016. V. 54. P. 52-55.
- E.B. Postnikov, Analytical properties of a three-compartmental dynamical demographic model Physical Review E. 2015. V. 92. 012718
- E.B. Postnikov, V.K. Singh. Continuous wavelet transform with the Shannon wavelet from the point of view of hyperbolic partial differential equations. Analysis Mathematica. 2015. V. 41. P. 199-206.
- M. Chorążewski, E.B. Postnikov, K. Oster, I. Polishuk, Thermodynamic Properties of 1, 2-Dichloroethane and 1, 2-Dibromoethane Under Elevated Pressures: Experimental Results and Predictions of a Novel DIPPR-Based Version of FT-EoS, PC-SAFT and CP-PC-SAFT. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research. 2015. V. 54. P. 9645–9656
- E.B. Postnikov, A.L. Goncharov, N. Cohen, I. Polishuk, Estimating the liquid properties of 1-alkanols from C 5 to C 12 by FT-EoS and CP-PC-SAFT: Simplicity versus complexity. Journal of Supercritical Fluids. 2015. V. 104, P. 193-203.
- N.A. Emelianov, E.B. Postnikov, O.V. Yacovlev, A.A. Chaplygin, A.S. Chekadanov, W.M. Al Mandalavi. Dielectric relaxation and charge transfer mechanism in the composite material of nanoparticles BaTiO3 with a modified surface in polystyrene. European Physical Journal B. 2015. V. 88. 291.
- E.B. Postnikov, I.M. Sokolov. Robust linear regression with broad distributions of errors. Physica A. 2015. V. 434. P. 257-267.
- M. Chorążewski, E.B. Postnikov. Thermal properties of compressed liquids: Experimental determination via an indirect acoustic technique and modeling using the volume fluctuations approach. International Journal of Thermal Sciences. 2015. V.20. P. 62-69.
- R. Toenjes, I.M. Sokolov, E.B. Postnikov. Spectral properties of the fractional Fokker-Planck operator for the Lévy flight in a harmonic potential. European Physical Journal B. 2014. V. 87. 287.
- E. B. Postnikov, A. L. Goncharov, V. V. Melent’ev. Tait Equation Revisited from the Entropic and Fluctuational Points of View. International Journal of Thermophysics. 2014. V. 35. P. 2115-2123
- E.A. Lebedeva, E.B. Postnikov. On alternative wavelet reconstruction formula: a case study of approximate wavelets. Royal Society Open Science. 2014. V. 1. 140124.
- E.B. Postnikov, V.K. Singh. Local spectral analysis of images via the wavelet transform based on partial differential equations. Multidimensional Systems and Signal Processing. 2014. V. 25. P. 145-155.
- R. Toenjes, I.M. Sokolov, E.B. Postnikov. Nonspectral Relaxation in One Dimensional Ornstein-Uhlenbeck Processes. Physical Review Letters. 2013. V. 110. 150602
- E.B. Postnikov, D.V. Tatarenkov. Prediction of flu epidemic activity with dynamical model based on weather forecast. Ecological Complexity. 2013. V. 15. P. 109–113.
- A.L. Goncharov, V.V. Melent’ev, E.B. Postnikov.
Limits of structure stability of simple liquids revealed by study of relative fluctuations. European Physical Journal B. 2013. V. 86. 357 - V.K. Singh, E.B. Postnikov. Operational matrix approach for solution of integro-differential equations arising in theory of anomalous relaxation processes in vicinity of singular point. Applied Mathematical Modeling. 2013. V. 37. P. 6609–6616.
- E.B. Postnikov, A.I. Lavrova, R.V. Kiseliov, T.Yu. Plyusnina. Wavelet bifurcation analysis of dynamical systems: a case study in oscillations of Chara corallina transmembrane potential. International Journal of Bufurcations and Chaos. 2012. V. 22. 1250293.
- A.Yu. Verisokin, D. V. Verveyko, E.B. Postnikov. Traveling glycolytic waves induced by a temperature gradient and determination of diffusivities for dense media Physical Review E. 2012. V. 86. 012901.
- E.B. Postnikov, I.M. Sokolov. Model of lateral diffusion in ultrathin layered films. Physica A. 2012. V. 391. pp. 5095–5101
- V.M. Polunin, I.A. Shabanova, M.L. Boev, O.V. Lobova, E.B. Postnikov. Cavitation model of self-recovery of a magnetic-fluid membrane. Acoustical Physics. 2012. V. 58. pp. 281-287.
- E.B. Postnikov, D. V. Verveyko, A.Yu. Verisokin. Simple model for temperature control of glycolytic oscillations. Physical Review E. 2011. V. 83. 062901.
- V.M. Polunin, I.A. Shabanova, M.L. Boev, P.A.Ryapolov, E.B. Postnikov. On the dynamics of self-restoring of magnetic fluid membranes Magnetohydrodynamics. 2011. V. 47. pp. 303–313.
- S.G.Yemelyanov, V.M. Polunin, A.M. Storozhenko, E.B. Postnikov, P.A. Ryapolov. Sound speed in a non-uniformly magnetized magnetic fluid. Magnetohydrodynamics. 2011. V. 47. pp. 29-40.
- E.B. Postnikov, A.B. Ryabov, A. Loskutov. Analysis of patterns formed by two-component diffusion limited aggregation. Physical Review E. 2010. V. 82. 051403.
- E.B. Postnikov, E.A. Lebedeva. Decomposition of strong nonlinear oscillations via modified continuous wavelet transform. Physical Review E. 2010. V. 82. 057201.
- Yu.A. Mirgorod, E.B. Postnikov, N. A. Borshch. 13C NMR investigation of the structure of alkylammonium chloride micells in aqueous solutions
Journal of Structural Chemistry. 2010. V. 51. pp. 1111-1118. - E.B. Postnikov, A.Yu. Verisokin, D. V. Verveyko, A.I. Lavrova.
Self-sustained biochemical oscillations and waves with a feedback determined only by boundary conditions.
Physical Review E. 2010. V. 81. 052901. - E.B. Postnikov. Hierarchical mean-field model describing relaxation in a small-world network. Physical Review E. 2009. V. 80. 062105.
- A.I. Lavrova, E.B. Postnikov, Yu.M. Romanovsky. Brusselator: an abstract chemical reaction? Physics-Uspekhi. 2009. V. 52. pp. 1239-1244.
- E.B. Postnikov. Wavelet phase synchronization and chaoticity. Physical Review E. 2009. V. 80. 057201.
- A.I. Lavrova, L. Schimansky-Geier, E.B. Postnikov. Phase reversal in the Selkov model with inhomogeneous influx. Physical Review E. 2009. V. 79. 057102.
- U. Naether, E.B. Postnikov, I.M. Sokolov. Infection fronts in contact disease spread. The European Physical Journal B. 2008. V. 65. pp. 353-359.
- E.B. Postnikov, A.B. Ryabov, A. Loskutov. Generalization of the DLA process with different immiscible components by time-scale coarse graining. Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical. 2007. V. 40. No. 40. pp. 12033-12042
- E.B. Postnikov. On Precision of Wavelet Phase Synchronization of Chaotic Systems. Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics. 2007. V. 105. No. 3. pp. 652-654.
- E.B. Postnikov, I.M. Sokolov. Continuum description of a contact infection spread in a SIR model. Mathematical Biosciences. 2007. V. 208. Iss.1. pp. 205-215.
- E.B. Postnikov, A.Yu. Loskutov. Wavelet Analysis of Fine-Scale Structures in the Saturnian B and C Ring Using Data from the Cassini Interplanetary Spacecraft. Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics. 2007. V. 104. No. 3. pp. 417-422.
- M.F. Bolotnikov, E.B. Postnikov. Method for Estimating Critical Pressure. Journal of Chemical & Engineering Data. V. 52, 2007, pp. 226-229.
- E.A. Lebedeva, E.B. Postnikov. Minimization of a Constant of Uncertainty for the Meyer Wavelet Basis. Sampling Theory in Signal and Image Processing. V. 5, 2006, No. 3, pp. 341-348.
- E.B. Postnikov. Evaluation of a Continuous Wavelet Transform by Solving the Cauchy Problem for a System of Partial Differential Equations. Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Physics. V. 46, 2006, No. 1, pp. 73-78.
- E.B. Postnikov, A.Yu. Loskutov. Analysis of Small-Scale Wave Structures in the Saturnian A Ring Based on Data from the Cassini Interplanetary Spacecraft. Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics. 2005. V. 101. No. 4. pp. 646-652.
- A.B. Ryabov, E.B. Postnikov, A, Yu. Loskutov. Diffusion-Limited Aggregation: A Continuum Mean Field Model. Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics. 2005. V. 101. No. 2. pp. 253-258.
- Yu. A. Mirgorod, A. V. Kurdyukov, E. B. Postnikov. Thermodynamic Models of Alkaline-Earth Metal Ion Flotation.
Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry. 2005. V. 79. No.8. pp. 1203-1208. - E.B. Postnikov, O.B. Stepanova. A Variant of the Pure Quaternionic Repreresentation of the Navier-Stokes Equation.
Advances in Applied Clifford Algebras. 2005. V. 15. Iss. 1. pp. 67-69. - P.S. Zykov, E.B. Postnikov. Application of the Wavelet Transform with a Piecewise Linear Basis to the Evaluation of the Hankel Transform. Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Physics. V. 44, No. 3, 2004, pp. 396-400.
- E.B. Postnikov. NMR Sample Data Processing Using Subdivision. Sampling Theory in Signal and Image Processing. 2003. V.2, No. 3. pp. 297-303.
- E.B. Postnikov. About calculation of the Hankel transform using preliminary wavelet transform. Journal of Applied Mathematics. 2003. No. 6. 2003. pp. 319-325.
- G.V. Karpova, O.V. Lobova, V.M. Polunin, E.B. Postnikov, E.V. Zubarev. Magnetic fluids sealants resonance properties.
Magnetohydrodynamics. 2002. V.38. No. 4. pp. 339-345. - G.V. Karpova, O.V. Lobova, V.M. Paukov, V.M. Polunin, E.B. Postnikov. Experimental Investigation of an Air-Magnetic-Liquid Resonator. Acoustical Physics. 2002. V. 48. No. 3. pp. 305-308.
- A.G. Besedin, I.E. Dmitriev, V. M. Polunin, E.B. Postnikov.
On the AME Character in a Magnetic Liquid Poured in a Cylindrical Container. Magnetohydrodynamics. 2001. V.37. No. 4. pp. 427-431. - E.B. Postnikov, S.V. Sobolev. Cerencov-Type Magnetoacoustic Oscillations in a Viscoelastic Cylinder. Acoustical Physics. 2000. V. 46. No. 2. pp. 191-194.
- E.B. Postnikov, S.V. Sobolev. Magnetoacoustic Heating of a Flat Layer by Traveling Wave of Current. Technical Physics Letters. 2000. V.26. Iss. 2. pp. 175-177.
Articles in journals, published in Russian:
- E.B. Postnikov. The representation of a wavelet transform of the Gaussian family by a superposition of solutions to partial differential equations. Vychislitel’nye metody i programmirovanie (Numerical Methods and Programming). 2008. V.9. pp. 84-89.
- M.I. Davidich, E.B. Postnikov. Boolean model of fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe cell division cycle: the dynamics in the case of normal and perturbated initial conditions.
Matematicheskaya biologiya i bioinformatika (Mathematical Biology and Bioinformatics). 2007. V. 2. No. 2. pp. 375-384. - E.A. Lebedeva, E.B. Postnikov. Meyer’s wavelet with a refined localization. Vychislitel’nye metody i programmirovanie (Numerical Methods and Programming).
2006. V.7. pp. 122-124. - E.N. Manaeva, E.B. Postnikov. Electromagnetic processes near the front of step-like impulse in electromagnetic sounding of the Earth for slightly heterogeneous conducting medium.
Izvestia Vuzov. Geologia i Razvedka (Russian Transactions of the Institutes of Higher Education. Ser. Geology and Geology Exploration). 2002. No. 3. pp. 104-108. - R.V. Kiselev, E.B. Postnikov, S.V. Sobolev. Effect of displacement currents on the interaction between short-duration electromagnetic pulses and the Earth surface.
Izvestia Vuzov. Geologia i Razvedka (Russian Transactions of the Institutes of Higher Education. Ser. Geology and Geology Exploration). 2000. No. 1. pp. 114-117. - T.I. Pashkova, E.B. Postnikov, S.V. Sobolev. On the interaction of step-like and rectangular electromagnetic pulses with the Earth surface. Izvestia Vuzov. Geologia i Razvedka (Russian Transactions of the Institutes of Higher Education. Ser. Geology and Geology Exploration). 1999. No. 5. pp. 115-119.
- E.B. Postnikov, S.V. Sobolev. About magnetohermoacoustic influence on low conducting polymeric composites. Izvestia Vuzov. Khimia I Khimicheskaia Tekhnologia (Russian Transactions of the Institutes of Higher Education. Ser. Chemistry and Chemical Technology). 1999. V. 42. No. 6. pp. 107-110.
Articles and extended abstracts in Proceedings of conferences:
- R.N. Belenkov, E.B. Postnikov. On an Optimal Interval Selection for the Regression of Molecular Frequency vs. Density Data Aimed at Determining Nonlinearity Parameters of Organic Liquids. Computer Science and Mathematics Forum 2023. V. 7:25.
- E.B. Postnikov, E. Maximova, V. Farafonov, A.I. Lavrova, D. Nerukh. Statistical criteria for quantitative prediction of protein-ligand dissociation rate using all-atom Molecular Dynamics. 2022 7th International Conference on Intelligent Informatics and Biomedical Science (ICIIBMS). IEEE, 2022, pp. 241-242.
- A.I. Lavrova, A.S. Vanina, A.V. Sychev, E.V. Grekhnyova, E.B. Postnikov. Accessing random diffusivity in a hydrogel-based brain’s paranchyma phantom. 2022 7th International Conference on Intelligent Informatics and Biomedical Science (ICIIBMS). IEEE, 2022, pp. 243-244.
- A.S. Vanina, A.V. Sychev, E.V. Grekhnyova, E.B. Postnikov. A collagen network-based hydrogel phantom for testing models of the metabolite transport in the brain parenchyma. 2022 Fourth International Conference Neurotechnologies and Neurointerfaces (CNN). IEEE, 2022, pp. 212-214.
- E.B. Postnikov, E.A. Lebedeva, A.Yu. Zyubin, A.I. Lavrova. Computational implementation of the Cascade Hilbert-Zero Decomposition and perspectives of its applications for biophysical signal processing. Proceedings of SPIE. 2022. 12194, Computational Biophysics and Nanobiophotonics, 1219404.
- A.V. Sychev, R.N. Belenkov, D.N. Ukolov, A.V. Budaev, A.I. Lavrova, E.B. Postnikov. Revealing kinetics of chemical transitions in colorimetric indicators of microorganisms growth based on photometric data from a portable microbiological analyser. Proceedings of SPIE. 2022. 12194, Computational Biophysics and Nanobiophotonics, 121940Z
- A. Zyubin, A. Lavrova, E. Postnikov, M. Dogonadze, E. Demishkevich, A. Kundalevich, I. Samusev. Raman spectroscopy experimental spectrum analysis for identification in Mycobacterium tuberculosis strains with different drug resistance. Proceedings of SPIE. 2021. 11900, Optics in Health Care and Biomedical Optics XI, 119003J
- E.B. Postnikov, A.I. Lavrova. Computational realization of non-linear diffusion generalizing Barenblatt-Pattle’s approach on the case of flows’ simulations in elastic microvessels. Proceedings of SPIE. 2021. 11847, Saratov Fall Meeting 2020: Computations and Data Analysis: from Molecular Processes to Brain Functions, 1184706
- A.I. Lavrova, E.B. Postnikov, D.S. Esmedljaeva. Mathematical modeling of cavity development in lung tuberculosis. Proceedings of SPIE. 2021. 11847, Saratov Fall Meeting 2020: Computations and Data Analysis: from Molecular Processes to Brain Functions, 1184707
- A.V. Sychev, V.E. Melnichenko, A.I. Lavrova, E.B. Postnikov. An elastic gel-channel system mimicking non-linear flows in meningeal lymphatic microvessels. 2021 IEEE 3rd Global Conference on Life Sciences and Technologies (Ieee Lifetech 2021), 2021, pp. 432-433.
- E.B. Postnikov, A.I. Lavrova, A.A. Khalin, M.Z. Dogonadze, O.A. Manicheva. Spectrophotometric vs. colorimetric analysis of Mycobacterium tuberculosis population growth curves in resazurin assay. Proceedings of SPIE 11067, Saratov Fall Meeting (SFM) on Computations and Data Analysis — From Nanoscale Tools to Brain Functions / 6th International Symposium on Optics and Biophotonics, 110670L; doi:10.1117/12.2523300
- E.B. Postnikov, M.O. Tsoy, M.A. Kurochkin, D.E. Postnov. A fast method for the detection of vascular structure in images, based on the continuous wavelet transform with the Morlet wavelet having a low central frequency. Proc. SPIE 10337, Saratov Fall Meeting 2016: Laser Physics and Photonics XVII; and Computational Biophysics and Analysis of Biomedical Data III, 103370X (April 14, 2017); doi:10.1117/12.2268427
- A.I. Lavrova, E.B. Postnikov. Wavelet analysis of location and intensity of spatial rhythms in hippocampus. AIP Conference Proceedings. 2013. V. 1558. P. 715-718.
- V.V. Melent’ev, A.L. Goncharov, E.B. Postnikov. Study of “Liquid-Liquid” Structure Transitions by Acoustical Method. Proceedings of the XXIV Session of the Russian Acoustical Society and Session of the Scientific Council of Russian Academy of Science on Acoustics. Saratov, 2011, pp. 40-42.
- A.Yu. Verisokin, D.V. Verveyko, E.B. Postnikov, A.I. Lavrova. Model of Glycolytic Traveling Waves Control in 3D Spatial Reactor. 2009 IEEE International Symposium on Intelligent Control/Part of 2009 IEEE Multi-conference on Systems and Control (Saint Petersburg, Russia, July 8-10), 2009, pp. 194-198.
- R.V. Kiseliov, E.B. Postnikov. Computer Implementation of the Wavelet Analysis of Acoustical Signals via the Algorithm based on the Numerical Solution of the Partial Differential Equations. Proceedings of the XIX Session of the Russian Acoustical Society. Acoustical Measurements and Standartization. Nizhny Novgorod, 2007, pp. 233-235.
- E.B. Postnikov. Time-Frequency Analysis of Non-Stationary Signals Using the Continuous Wavelet Transform based on the Solving of PDE. Proceedings of the XVIII Session of the Russian Acoustical Society. Acoustical Measurements and Standartization. Electroacoustics. Taganrog, 2006, pp. 246-248.
- M.F. Bolotnikov, M.Yu. Verisokin, E.B. Postnikov. Study of an Influence of Acoustical System’s Properties on the Faraday Wave’s Generation in the Vessel, which is Fixed on this System. Proceedings of the XIII Session of the Russian Acoustical Society. Physical Acoustics. Moscow, 2003, pp. 158-160.
- O. V. Lobova, V. M. Polunin, E. B. Postnikov. About Oscillation Frequencies of the Magnetic Fluids Sealants. 10th Anniversary International Plyos Conference for Magnetic Fluids, Book of abstracts. Plyos, Russia. 2002, pp. 107-109.
- G. V. Karpova, O. V. Lobova, V. M. Polunin, E. B. Postnikov, L.I. Roslyakova. Magnetic Fluids Sealants Properties. Proceedings of the XI Session of the Russian Acoustical Society. Electroacoustics. Moscow, 2001, pp. 525-528.
- A.G. Besedin, V. M. Polunin, E. B. Postnikov. Acostomagnetic Effect Near the Basis of a Magnetic Liquid Cylinder. Proceedings of the X Session of the Russian Acoustical Society. Ultrasound and Ultrasound Technology. Moscow, 2000.
- A.G. Besedin, I.E. Dmitriev, V. M. Polunin, E. B. Postnikov. Acostomagnetic Effect Near the Basis of a Magnetic Liquid Cylinder. 9th International Plyos Conference for Magnetic Fluids. Plyos, Russia. 2000, pp. 25-27.